(これはNational Instruments社のGeneral LabVIEW Error Codeのバックアップです。同ページの変更により内容の喪失を防ぐためです。)
LabVIEW VIs and functions and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.
Code | Description |
−2147467259 | Unspecified error. |
−1967345152 | Invalid refnum. A specified refnum was not valid. |
−1967345151 | Invalid property code. The specified property code is not valid for this refnum. |
−1967345150 | Invalid privilege ID. The specified privilege ID is out of range. |
−1967345149 | Invalid access type. The specified access type is not valid. |
−1967345148 | Invalid argument. One of the specified arguments is invalid. |
−1967345147 | Entry not found. The requested entry could not be found. |
−40601 | The deterministic communication engine failed to initialize hardware. |
−4850 | Device driver not present or not supported. The device driver needed to execute the In Port and Out Port VIs is not present. LabVIEW does not support this device driver on Windows Vista or later. |
−4824 | Clipped Floating-point data to fit the range [-1.0, 1.0]. The floating point data was outside of the range [-1.0, 1.0]. The values were clipped to fit within this range. |
−4820 | A buffer underflow has occurred. A buffer underflow has occurred because the application is not writing data quickly enough. |
−4803 | The sound driver or card does not support the specified operation. The sound driver or card cannot accommodate the specified configuration. Ensure that the parameters values are within the supported range for the hardware and drivers. |
−4406 | A VI item in the palette data array is not supported in this version of LabVIEW. A VI item in the palette data array is not supported in this version of LabVIEW. This error can occur if you use a VI that is not supported in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. |
−4404 | The value for palette width is invalid. The value for palette width must be 0 or greater. |
−4403 | A palette item is invalid. A palette item is invalid. Verify the path for each item in the items array. Paths to VIs and palette files (.mnu) must be valid. |
−4402 | The palette view format is invalid. The palette view format must be Icons,Icons and Text, or Text. Select View »View This Palette As from theControls or Functions palette to change the palette view format. |
−4401 | The specified file is not a valid palette file (.mnu). The specified file is not a valid palette file (.mnu). Enter a path to an existing palette file to read data from the palette file. Enter a path to a valid palette file to write data to the file. |
−4400 | The palette type is invalid. The palette type input is invalid. Thepalette type value has enumeration values of Controls or Functions. The value provided was beyond the defined range. |
−2584 | DIAdem could not be started. You must have DIAdem 9.1 Service Pack 2 or later installed to use the DIAdem Report Express VI. |
−2580 | The Write to Measurement File Express VI cannot append new data to frequency domain waveforms. Frequency domain waveforms are constructed with a base frequency f0 and a delta frequency df. The frequency for a data point is then calculated as f0+N*df. This calculation leads to erroneous results if data is appended to the waveform. This error can occur when you write a frequency domain waveform to a file withSegment Headers set to One header only. Set Segment Headers toOne header per segment to correct this error. |
1 | An input parameter is invalid. For example if the input is a path, the path might contain a character not allowed by the OS such as ? or @. |
2 | Memory is full. |
4 | End of file encountered. |
5 | File already open. |
6 | Generic file I/O error. A possible cause for this error is the disk or hard drive to which you are trying to save might be full. Try freeing up disk space or saving to a different disk or drive. |
8 | File permission error. You do not have the correct permissions for the file. To correct this error, verify that the file is not in use by another application and that file permissions are set correctly. On Windows, navigate to the file, right-click the file, select Properties, and set the Read-only option in the dialog box. On Linux or Mac OS X use chmod to set file permissions. If you only need read access, you can use the Open/Create/Replace Filefunction with the access input set to Read-only. |
9 | Disk full. The disk or hard drive does not have enough free space to complete the operation. Try freeing up disk space or saving to a different disk or drive. |
10 | Duplicate path. |
11 | Too many files open. |
12 | Some system capacity necessary for operation is not enabled. |
13 | File is not a resource file. |
14 | Cannot add resource. |
15 | Resource not found. This error might occur if you remove the front panel of the VI when building a stand-alone application. |
16 | Image not found. |
17 | Not enough memory to manipulate image. |
18 | Pen does not exist. |
19 | Configuration type invalid. |
20 | Configuration token not found. |
21 | Error occurred parsing configuration string. |
22 | Configuration memory error. |
23 | Bad external code format. |
24 | External subroutine not supported. |
25 | External code not present. |
26 | Null window. |
27 | Destroy window error. |
28 | Null menu. |
29 | Print aborted. |
30 | Bad print record. |
31 | Print driver error. |
32 | Operating system error during print. |
33 | Memory error during print. |
34 | Print dialog error. |
35 | Generic print error. |
37 | Device not found. |
38 | Device parameter error. |
39 | Device unit error. |
40 | Cannot open device. |
41 | Device call aborted. |
42 | Generic error. |
43 | Operation canceled by user. If the VI or function that throws this error has an error out parameter, wire error out to the selector terminal of a case structure to avoid this error message. If you are using theOpen/Create/Replace File function or Open/Create/Replace Datalogfunction, you can wire cancelled to the selector terminal of the case structure instead. If the VI or function does not have error out, you can edit the error handling within the VI or function to avoid this error. Double-click the VI or function and replace the general error handling with an error out indicator or some other form of error handling. Save the new VI or function to a different directory than vi.lib so you do not overwrite the original. |
44 | Object ID too low. |
45 | Object ID too high. |
46 | Object not in heap. |
47 | Unknown heap. |
48 | Unknown object (invalid DefProc). |
49 | Unknown object (DefProc not in table). |
50 | Message out of range. |
51 | Null method. |
52 | Unknown message. |
67 | Interapplication Manager initialization error. |
68 | Bad occurrence. |
69 | Handler does not know what occurrence to wait for. |
70 | Occurrence queue overflow. |
71 | File datalog type conflict. |
72 | Semaphore not signaled. |
73 | Interapplication Manager unrecognized type error. |
74 | Memory or data structure corrupt. |
75 | Failed to make temporary DLL. |
76 | Old CIN version. |
81 | Format specifier type mismatch. A format specifier does not match the data type of its corresponding argument in a Format Into String or Scan From String function. |
82 | Unknown format specifier. A bad format specifier was found in the Format String input to a Format Into String or Scan From String function. |
83 | Too few format specifiers. There are not enough format specifiers to match all of the arguments of a Format Into String or Scan From String function. |
84 | Too many format specifiers. There are more format specifiers than the number of arguments of a Format Into String or Scan From String function. |
85 | Scan failed. The input string does not contain data in the expected format. The Scan From String function was unable to scan its input because the data was not in the expected format. Right-click the Scan From String function and select Edit Format String to configure the format string to match the input data. |
87 | Error converting to variant. An error occurred converting from LabVIEW type to OLE variant type. |
88 | Run-time menu error. |
89 | Another user tampered with the VI password. |
90 | Variant attribute not found. |
91 | The data type of the variant is not compatible with the data type wired to the type input. |
97 | Null Refnum was passed in as input. |
98 | Incorrect file type. Attempted to read from or write to a file of a type incompatible with the operation. This normally is a user data file. |
99 | Incorrect file version. Attempted to read from or write to a file of a version incompatible with the write/read function version. This file normally is a user data file. |
100 | File contains erroneous data. This normally is a user data file. |
116 | Unflatten or byte stream read operation failed due to corrupt, unexpected, or truncated data. |
117 | Directory path supplied where a file path is required. A file path with the filename is required, but the supplied path is a path to a directory. |
118 | The supplied folder path does not exist. |
122 | The resource you are attempting to open was created in a more recent version of LabVIEW and is incompatible with this version. |
1000 | The VI is not in a state compatible with this operation. This error can occur for several reasons. This error can occur if you attempt to edit a VI that is running or reserved for running. This error also can occur if you attempt to open a reference to a VI that is running or reserved for running. A VI is reserved for running when you open a reference to the VI by wiring a type specifier VI Refnum to the Open VI Reference function, or when you have a Static VI Reference linked to the VI within a running VI. This error also can occur if you try to run a VI using the run method while the target VI is running or reserved for running. To correct this error, ensure the target VI is idle or reentrant. If it is reentrant, use the Open VI Reference function with the options input set to 0x08 to prepare the VI for reentrant run or use the Open VI Reference function with the type specifier VI Refnum wired to a strictly typed VI reference. This error also can occur if you attempt to obtain a VI's image while the VI is being modified programmatically. Wait until the VI is not being modified to get the image of a panel or diagram. |
1001 | The VI front panel is not open. Use the Window Appearance page to configure if the front panel is shown when the VI is run or loaded. You also can use the Front Panel:Open method to open the front panel programmatically. |
1002 | The VI cannot run because it has a front panel control in an error state. |
1003 | The VI is not executable. Most likely the VI is broken or one of its subVIs cannot be located. Open the VI in LabVIEW using File»Open and verify that it is runnable. |
1004 | The VI is not in memory. |
1005 | VI execution has been disabled in the VI Properties dialog box. Open theExecution Property Page of the VI Properties dialog box to change the settings for the VI execution. |
1006 | FPDCO on connector pane thinks it is constant. |
1007 | No IP record in summary. |
1008 | Cannot load connector pane. |
1009 | Variant tag out of range. |
1010 | No default or operate data. |
1011 | VI Creation failed. |
1012 | Cannot load block diagram. |
1013 | Cannot load front panel. Make sure you include the front panel of the VI when building a stand-alone application. |
1014 | Linker error. |
1015 | Printer is not responding. Check printer configuration. |
1016 | Cannot load History. |
1017 | VI has been modified on disk since it was last loaded or saved. |
1018 | Unspecified error occurred. |
1019 | One or more untitled subVIs exist. This file cannot be saved until all dependent files have been named. |
1020 | This CIN can only be invoked from a registered wizard. |
1021 | Illegal Object Id passed to wizard CIN. |
1022 | Wizard Template not found. |
1023 | Wizard template does not have a diagram. |
1024 | Call Instrument aborted. |
1025 | Application Reference is invalid. |
1026 | VI Reference is invalid. |
1027 | For the requested operation, the reference cannot be reserved as requested, is in an improper reservation mode, or the execution state must be set to running or reserved. |
1028 | Attribute selector is invalid. |
1029 | VI Server property is read-only. |
1030 | VI Reference is already reserved for editing. |
1031 | VI Reference type does not match VI connector pane. |
1032 | VI Server access denied. If this error is returned from the Open VI Reference function on a remote connection, use the VI Server: Exported VIs Options page to ensure that the VI is exported. If this error is returned from a Property or Invoke Node, the property or method might not be allowed for remote VI Server connections. For example, the Application:All VIs In Memory property is allowed locally, but remotely you should use the Application:Exported VIs In Memory property instead. Refer to the help for the property or method to determine if it is allowed remotely. |
1033 | Bad run-time menu file version. |
1034 | Bad run-time menu file. |
1035 | Operation is invalid for this type of VI. |
1036 | Method selector is invalid. |
1037 | Incompatible VI Server protocol version. |
1038 | Required parameter missing. |
1039 | VI was aborted. |
1040 | VI is password protected. |
1041 | Incorrect password. |
1042 | Attempted recursive call. |
1043 | The property or method is not supported in this version of LabVIEW. This error can occur if you use a property or method that is not supported in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. |
1044 | VI is locked. |
1045 | Null Refnum passed to Close Reference. |
1051 | A LabVIEW file of that name already exists in memory, or exists within a project library already in memory. To resolve this error, give the file a unique name that does not already exist in the application instance. |
1052 | The LabVIEW filename is invalid. |
1054 | The specified object was not found. |
1055 | Object reference is invalid. |
1056 | Specified object is not scriptable in this version. |
1057 | Type mismatch: Object cannot be type casted to the specified type. |
1058 | Specified property not found. |
1059 | Unexpected file type. |
1060 | Object cannot contain (own) the specified object. |
1061 | Unable to create new object. |
1062 | Specified objects cannot be wired together. |
1063 | Specified terminal not found in the object. |
1066 | Hardware open error. |
1067 | Hardware close error. |
1068 | Hardware transact error. |
1069 | Hardware DLL missing. |
1070 | Hardware no session error. |
1071 | Specified method not found. |
1072 | This property or method is not yet implemented. |
1074 | Cannot create a control/indicator for the specified terminal. |
1075 | Cannot create a constant for the specified terminal. |
1076 | VI is not debuggable. |
1077 | Invalid property value. |
1082 | Operation not valid for strict type definition instance. |
1086 | Wrong control type. The operation is not allowed on this kind of control or a control at this level. |
1087 | There is no DataSocket information available for the object. |
1088 | Bad value for parameter. |
1089 | Error occurred while executing script. Error message from server: %s. |
1090 | Specified object cannot be moved. |
1091 | The VI Server or client received an unrecognized message. |
1094 | Queue and notifier references of the same name must be obtained using the same data type. When you obtain a reference to a queue or notifier, you can specify which data type this mechanism stores. Future requests to obtain a reference to the same mechanism (using the mechanism's name) must wire the same data type as the original call. Unnamed mechanisms do not have this restriction, because each request to obtain an unnamed mechanism creates a new mechanism. |
1095 | This container cannot be left without a subtype. Right-click the container border and select Replace or drag new subtype. |
1097 | An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Function Node. The exception may have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW. Verify the values you wired into the Call Library Function Node. |
1098 | Cannot disconnect type definitions or polymorphic VIs if the block diagram is not available. |
1100 | No object of that name was found. No reference could be returned. You can use the Obtain Queue or Obtain Notifier function to look up a queue or notifier by name. If create if not found? is FALSE and a queue or notifier with that name was not found, LabVIEW returns this error. |
1102 | The string wired to the xml string input is empty. |
1103 | The XML tag describing the type of data is not recognized. |
1104 | No end tag was found for an XML start/end tag pair. |
1105 | An unknown or unexpected XML tag was discovered. |
1106 | The XML tag describing the type of data does not match the wired type. |
1107 | The XML enumerated type choice(s) does not match the wired type. |
1108 | XML value text is illegal or out of range for type and/or format. |
1109 | Unsupported data type. |
1110 | No longer used. |
1111 | Release Semaphore called on a semaphore that was not currently acquired. |
1122 | Refnum became invalid while node waited for it. |
1123 | You cannot create an object (such as control caption) in built applications. You must create these objects in the LabVIEW development system. |
1124 | VI is not loadable. In a built application, this error might occur because the VI being loaded was last compiled for a different OS, in which case you must save the VI on the current platform. This error also might occur if the VI is a polymorphic VI, which cannot be loaded in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. You must load an instance of the polymorphic VI instead of the polymorphic VI itself. |
1126 | VI version is too early to convert to the current LabVIEW version. |
1127 | Cannot instantiate template VI because it is already in memory. |
1128 | Input unit is not compatible with the current unit. |
1129 | You cannot assign the same value to two or more strings in a ring or combo box control. You cannot assign the same numeric value to two or more strings in a ring control, and you cannot assign the same string value to two or more strings in a combo box control. |
1130 | The VI Server connection peer is unresponsive. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about connection polling. |
1131 | You cannot use this property with this system control. |
1135 | The tree control's active item is not valid for this property. |
1136 | You wired an invalid item tag to a tree control property or method. |
1137 | Tree control's internal data is corrupt. |
1144 | Cannot insert VI in a subpanel control because VI is already open. |
1145 | Cannot open VI because it is already in a subpanel control. |
1146 | You attempted an operation that would change a child-only item into a parent item. |
1147 | Cannot insert a remote VI in a subpanel control. |
1148 | This property is read only while the VI is in a subpanel. |
1149 | Cannot close or set the state of a closed front panel. The front panel must already be open before you close it or set its state. |
1150 | Cannot open a front panel that is already open. To set the state of the open front panel, use the Front Panel Window:State property. |
1151 | Invalid input for front panel state. |
1156 | Memory full error, possibly due to a data format not matching expected data type. This is caused by trying to allocate a buffer that is too large for memory. Although normal allocation might run the system out of memory, frequently an out of memory error is caused by interpreting the data incorrectly and treating something that is data as the size of the data. Before assuming that the system needs more memory to complete the operation, make sure the read format you are requesting is valid for the data being read. |
1157 | You cannot use this property with a numeric indicator. |
1174 | Invalid return parameter for Call Library Function Node. The return type must be Void, Numeric, or String. Numeric return types are passed by value. Strings return types are passed as a C String Pointer or a Pascal String Pointer. |
1175 | Invalid array dimension in Call Library Function Node configuration. An array must have 1 or more dimensions. |
1176 | Invalid waveform dimension in Call Library Function Node configuration. A waveform must have 0 or 1 dimensions. |
1177 | Invalid data type for Call Library Function Node parameter. Void can be used only as return type of function. |
1186 | Cannot show or hide the label on its own. Label visibility is controlled by the label owner. |
1187 | Internet Explorer is required for this operation but it is not installed. |
1188 | The static VI reference is not configured. Right-click the Static VI Reference function on the block diagram and select Browse for Path. Navigate to the VI for the reference and click the Open button to configure the reference. |
1190 | The operation is not allowed when the control has key focus. |
1191 | The wire already has a probe on it. |
1192 | No data range set for digital displays. |
1193 | When a Boolean control has a latch mechanical action, you cannot use the Value property to read or write its value. When a Boolean control is configured with a latching mechanical action, the Value property always returns an error. Due to race conditions that can occur when you have a Boolean value with latching mechanical action, you cannot programmatically read Boolean values that are set with a latching mechanical action. |
1194 | This Express VI requires DIAdem 8.1 or later and the LabVIEW DIAdem Connectivity VIs version 2.1 or later. The Connectivity VIs are available for free download from ni.com. Refer to the National Instruments Web site to download the VIs. |
1196 | Cannot list the same terminal more than once in the grown region of the expandable subVI. |
1197 | This operation is not valid for static VI references. To run a VI using a static VI reference, use an Invoke Node to call the Run VI method. Set theInvoke Node class to VI and select the Run VI method. |
1198 | The VI is not in a state compatible with this operation. Change the execution mode of the referenced VI to reentrant for this operation. |
1301 | The dimension of the array passed in does not match the expected dimension for the operation. |
1303 | The elements of the array are not unique. There are duplicated items in the array. |
1304 | The array index is outside of the array bounds. |
1305 | The required page cannot be found. |
1306 | Unable to load new code resource to the node. Code resource already loaded. |
1307 | Subpanel control could not open the VI window. You tried to insert a VI into a subpanel control, but the front panel or block diagram window you want to insert does not exist. |
1308 | The Property or Invoke Node is not linked to a front panel control. |
1309 | The Property or Invoke Node reference input terminal is already wired. |
1310 | The object is not in the same VI as the Property or Invoke Node. The control reference of the control does not belong to the VI that owns the Property or Invoke Node. |
1311 | The input for class name is not correct or is in the wrong format. The input for class name is not correct or is in the wrong format. The correct format should begin with the class type followed by the path to the object using the long names. For example, VI Server:Generic:GObject |
1312 | Structure frame index is out of range. This error occurs when you use an index value that is out of range to access a frame in a Case, Stacked Sequence, or Event structure. |
1313 | You cannot use this property on a control in a radio buttons control. |
1314 | You cannot use this property on an instance of a type definition set to update automatically from the master copy of the type definition. |
1315 | You have attempted to create a data type with a descriptor that is too large. |
1319 | Cannot insert a VI into a subpanel that is not in a running state. |
1320 | In run mode, LabVIEW cannot get or set a property for a control part that has not been created. |
1321 | NI License Manager is not initialized. Verify that NI License Manager is installed on the computer by selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI License Manager. |
1322 | Invalid project build reference. |
1357 | A LabVIEW file from that path already exists in memory, or exists within a project library already in memory. To resolve this error, give the file a path that does not already contain a LabVIEW file in any open application instance. |
1358 | The splitter bar cannot be moved to this position because it violates the minimum or maximum size of a descendant pane. When LabVIEW tries to move the splitter bar to the specified position, at least one pane shrinks smaller than its set minimum size. For example, if you have a VI with one vertical splitter bar, and the minimum size of the left pane is 50, wiring 10 to the Splitter Position property will return this error. To correct this error, set the minimum size of the pane to a smaller value, or wire a value to the Splitter Position property that does not shrink the pane beyond its minimum size. |
1359 | A drag cannot start because a previous drag transaction is still pending. |
1360 | Cannot provide the type of data requested for this drag and drop operation. To correct this error, ensure that a drag and drop operation is in progress when you call this function and that the data type and drag data name match what is currently available during the drag and drop operation. |
1361 | The name or data type of a drag data element conflicts with the built-in LabVIEW drag data types. You cannot use the prefix LV_ on a data name. |
1362 | Cannot use this property with this string display mode or if word wrapping is enabled. Change the display mode to 0 (normal) and/or disable word wrapping to use this property. |
1363 | The specified name or GUID is invalid. |
1364 | The provider plug-in is not installed or somehow corrupt. |
1365 | Failed to generate a valid GUID. |
1366 | You cannot hide or show the scroll bars of a subpanel control when a VI containing multiple panels is inserted. |
1370 | The selected build failed to complete. |
1376 | A Diagram Disable structure cannot have a default frame. This error occurs when you try to use the Default Frame property with a Diagram Disable structure. You can use this property only with the Conditional Disable structure. |
1377 | A Diagram Disable Structure cannot have conditions. You can use the Conditions property and the Get Frame Index method only with the Conditional Disable structure. |
1378 | Cannot set the Active Frame property on a Conditional Disable structure. This error occurs when you try to use the Active Frame property with a Conditional Disable structure. You cannot use this property with a Conditional Disable structure because conditions determine the active frame. You can use this property only with a Diagram Disable structure. |
1380 | License checkout failure. Unable to checkout the requested license feature because the license is invalid or does not exist. |
1381 | Cannot create semaphores with a size less than one. |
1384 | Cannot start dragging because duplicate names for drag data types were passed to the Start Drag method or Drag Starting? event. To correct this error, ensure that the names you use for drag data are unique in each element of the data array for the method or event. |
1385 | Cannot start a drag and drop operation because the data provided is invalid. To correct this error, verify that the drag data array is not NULL and that all elements have names and data fields. |
1388 | The block diagram you are attempting to access belongs to a VI that is either in evaluation mode or has an invalid license. To correct this error, you must obtain a valid license for the VI and its containing library. |
1389 | You are attempting to save or copy a VI that is either in evaluation mode or has an invalid license. To correct this error, you must obtain a valid license for the VI and its containing library. |
1390 | You attempted to open a VI Server reference to an out-of-scope VI. A VI can open VI Server references only to other VIs that it could call as subVIs. After the reference is opened, that VI can return the reference to other VIs that could not normally open the reference. |
1396 | Cannot convert text from the source character set to the destination character set. |
1397 | You have not wired a required input on this subVI. To correct this error, wire the required input. |
1398 | The subVI cannot be inlined because there is a local variable in the block diagram. |
1399 | The subVI cannot be inlined because a front panel terminal is not on the root diagram. For example, this error might occur when a front panel terminal is inside a structure. |
1430 | The path is empty or relative. You must use an absolute path. |
1432 | The specified format cannot be used with floating point data. For example, hexadecimal notation is not a valid format for floating point numbers. |
1434 | The precision is greater than the maximum allowed value for this format. |
1436 | Numeric precision cannot be negative. |
1438 | Archive version is later than the current LabVIEW version. |
1439 | A project library cannot be copied to the same folder as the original library because the new library files would conflict with the original library files on disk. You must specify a different location on disk when copying a project library. |
1440 | The filename does not match the expected name. The file specified must have the same filename as the original file. |
1443 | Debug connection refused by specified server. Only one debug connection is allowed per application or shared library. |
1444 | No VIs to download from application, connection closed. |
1445 | Open VI Reference no longer matches VIs in memory by filename. A filename is no longer sufficient because the full name of a VI now includes any owning libraries. You can use the Strip Path function to wire the filename as a string, but this will not work for VIs in libraries. |
1446 | Cannot change the description or tip strip of a control if it's used in a reentrant VI with multiple instances. |
1447 | There was a name conflict while saving for previous. VIs in libraries are saved in the form LIBRARYNAME_VINAME. There is already a VI in this hierarchy with this name. |
1449 | Arrays must have at least one dimension and a maximum of 63 dimensions. |
1450 | One or more untitled library dependencies exist. This file cannot be saved until all dependent files have been named. |
1451 | One or more untitled dependencies exist. This file cannot be saved until all dependent files have been named. |
1452 | This library was saved in an earlier version of LabVIEW. It must be loaded and saved in the current version of LabVIEW. |
1453 | You may only set the vertical arrangement on a label, caption or free label. |
1454 | LabVIEW classes cannot be flattened as XML in this version of LabVIEW. |
1455 | Revert failed. This item has been edited in another context on this machine. Only that instance can be reverted. |
1468 | Specified ability not supported by the library. Verify the ability name does not contain spaces. |
1469 | Specified ability already exists. You cannot add an ability multiple times. |
1470 | Specified folder is outside the library. You cannot add library items to folders that do not belong to the library. |
1483 | Cannot change width of the plot legend when you configure the plot legend to automatically resize, or if the legend has more than one entry and you arrange the plot legend horizontally. Right-click the graph or chart and deselect Autosize Plot Legend in the shortcut menu to disable automatic resizing and make sure you arrange the plot legend vertically. |
1484 | The subVI cannot be inlined because there is an implicit control reference on the block diagram. |
1485 | The subVI cannot be inlined because there is an implicit Property or Invoke Node on the block diagram. |
1488 | The migration file cannot load because it is no longer supported. |
1489 | The migration file cannot load because its content is not valid or is corrupt. |
1490 | The migration file cannot load because it makes references to data that does not exist or is invalid. |
1491 | If you obtain a queue reference in one application instance, you cannot use that queue reference in another application instance. You cannot use queues for communication between LabVIEW application instances. If you obtain a queue reference in one application instance, you cannot use that queue reference in another application instance. You cannot use queues for communication between LabVIEW application instances. |
1492 | If you obtain a notifier reference in one application instance, you cannot use that notifier reference in another application instance. You cannot use notifiers for communication between LabVIEW application instances. If you obtain a notifier reference in one application instance, you cannot use that notifier reference in another application instance. You cannot use notifiers for communication between LabVIEW application instances. |
1493 | The save operation failed because multiple files of the same name cannot be saved into a single LLB. To correct this error, save to a folder instead of an LLB. |
1497 | Cannot unlock a library for edit when instances in running VIs exist. |
1498 | Library has errors. Fix the errors before attempting this operation. |
1499 | Library has edits in another context. Sync up changes before attempting this operation. |
1500 | If you obtain a user event reference in one application instance, you cannot use that user event reference in another application instance. You cannot use user events for communication between LabVIEW application instances. If you obtain a user event reference in one application instance, you cannot use that user event reference in another application instance. You cannot use user events for communication between LabVIEW application instances. |
1502 | Cannot save a bad VI without its block diagram. |
1503 | Cannot save a clone of a reentrant VI. |
1504 | Cannot save a remote panel. |
1523 | Passed an invalid number of strings to the Strings [ ] property. You must pass either 1 string or 6 strings. |
1526 | This property does not apply when the plot legend of a graph or chart is in tree view. |
1534 | The semaphore you specified does not exist. LabVIEW cannot return a reference to the semaphore. This error might occur if the create if not found input of the Obtain Semaphore Reference VI is FALSE and LabVIEW cannot find a semaphore with the name you specify. |
1535 | The semaphore reference you specified is invalid. To correct this error, make sure the reference to the semaphore is valid. |
1544 | LabVIEW attempted a read, write, or seek on a file opened in unbuffered mode, and the data size is not a multiple of the disk sector size. Use theGet Volume Info function to return the proper sector size. If you do not have the right amount of data to align to a sector size, you must pad the data with filler data and delete the filler data before LabVIEW reads back the file. |
1545 | LabVIEW attempted to read or write data to a file opened in unbuffered mode, and the data is not aligned properly. LabVIEW determines how data is aligned and you cannot alter that alignment. If this error occurs, you must enable buffering and reopen the file. |
1548 | Queue refnum cannot be obtained with a size of zero. Size input must be a positive number or -1 for unlimited size. |
4800 | Selected Device is Invalid The currently selected device index is invalid. This could be caused by an invalid sound driver. |
4801 | Invalid sound task refnum. No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID. |
4802 | The sound device is busy. Another application is currently using the device. Raising this application's priority level could resolve this issue. |
4803 | The sound driver or card does not support the desired operation. The sound driver or card cannot accommodate the specified configuration. Check that the parameters entered are within the supported range for the hardware and drivers. |
4804 | Cannot write in file playback. The application attempted to write to the file while it was being played. This error code is not currently reported by the LVSound library. |
4805 | Could not find the sound file. The specified sound file could not be found. |
4806 | DirectX 8.0 or higher is required to run. Please install the latest version of DirectX from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads. |
4810 | Cannot recognize sound format. The sound format of this file is not recognizable. The file may be corrupt. |
4811 | Cannot support sound format. The specified wave format is not supported. This could be a limitation of the hardware, driver, or both. |
4820 | A buffer underflow has occurred. A buffer underflow has occurred because the application is not writing data quickly enough. |
4821 | Overwrite error. An overwrite error has occurred because the application is not reading data quickly enough from the buffer. |
4822 | A timeout occurred before the operation finished. A timeout error occurred because the application was unable to successfully acquire a mutex. |
56000 | Generic project error. |
56001 | An item with this name already exists in the project. |
56002 | An item with this path already exists in the project. |
56003 | Adding this item would cause a conflict with an item already in memory. |
56004 | The project Item could not be found. |
56005 | The item type is not compatible with the target type. |